We welcomed 30 juniors today with support from 6 coaches in the five groups over 3 sessions.

Welcome for the 1st time to Jensen and good to see Amelia coming back after her trial last week. Also, it was really nice to see Woody come back and visit us after a little while.

Eric took the 1st advanced session and went through continuation from a 4ncl match played recently followed by a puzzle from The Times. He also highlighted in summary ’10 middle game tactics’ recently published by Graham on our web site, suggesting you all take a look, review and study these to enable progress in your own games.

In the 2nd advanced session Martin went through a game between Mikhail Tal and Alexander Koblents in Riga 1961……. with Joey doing really well in advising on best next moves……this game can be viewed in full in our GAMES page.

In the intermediate section it was good to see all with intensity, concentration and a seriousness to win and develop their own games. Wins for Aman, Woody, Rowley, Arthur, Rafan, Harish, Nicolas, Noah and Amelia.

All three boys Arthur, Andrew and Thomas are progressing well and various levels and it’s great to see their weekly continuation.

As always, it would not be possible to operate the club without the support of our coaches, namely Graham/Steve/Paul/Azhar/Martin and yours truly, thanks to all for making the club such a success and giving their time to junior chess. All the juniors and parents are very appreciative.

Eric Sachs

Middle Game Tactics (as previously mentioned)

If you haven’t viewed this yet, checkout the new page in our menu on ‘Middle game Tactics’ – a great way to improve your game.

Middle Game Tactics

Knockout Tournament

In the 10 am Advanced group Harry lost to Nathaniel who goes on to the final, also, there was an excellent game between Max and Aarav which ended in a deserved draw, well done both for playing a tactical end game showing a really good understanding. Aarav and Max fought out a good game which ended in an agreed draw,


What a missed chance by Black on the 9th move, the Knight on h4 should have been taken by Black’s Queen!! game over……. missed. Doh!

So these two will need to play again, under the rules, a draw cannot be accepted as this is a knockout tournament, so the next game(s) will be 5 mins each on the clock, until we get a winner.

This game can also be viewed in full in our GAMES page

Elsewhere, in the 11.30am Advanced group Jesse beat Joey to advance into the final. The only other game played was between brothers Thomas and Andrew in the 11.30 am beginners section, resulting in a win to Andrew who marches on into the final.

Still lots of games to complete, all depending on who turns up on the day.

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