A much reduced number of juniors due to the Easter break however we still had a good amount of 13 budding keen enthusiastic players yesterday. 

Players were – Harry, Max, Nicolas, Larissa, Aarav, Noah, Markas, Joey, Neil, Rafan, Rowley and Eduard. 

We welcomed Devensh who is on our beginner course and he showed immediate promise. 

As the numbers were much smaller, we had a better opportunity to spend more and individual time from our 6 coaches that came along to help. 

Martin reviewed an excellent game played recently by Vasyl Ivanchuk vs Oscar Pollack, which can be viewed in full by moving pieces in our ‘GAMES’ page.

Many thanks to our coaches of Steve, Tony, Paul, Azhar, Martin and yours truly making a very welcome return form illness. 

Eric also used this game in both intermediate sessions. 

‘Birthday Wishes’ this week go to both Jiya (5th) and Alfie (7th) we all hope you each have a lovely day!

Ladder and Knockout

Today we start a new ladder board competition for this summer term of 15 weeks, with the addition of a new knockout competition which we hope to start next week depending on attendees. Like the ladder competition, this will have 4 sections, advanced and intermediate/beginners for both time slots. We intend to fit it in over the 15 week period, here is a blank template which will indicate the progress, as soon as we have names attached, we will publish results accordingly.

Ladder Board results for today:-

Markas 1 Larissa 0 / Nicolas 1 Aarav 0 / Harry 0 Max 1 / Rafan 0 Eduard 1 / Coach ½ Rowley ½ / Joey 0 Neil 1 

These will be added to the ladder board from next week onwards.

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