Apologies for the delay of this post, but my computer is in ‘hospital’ having a brain implant, I’ve managed to use another computer without the normal facilities, so this newsletter will be shorter than normal.

20 juniors attended our Saturday morning session along with tutors Tony Sanderson, Azhar, Eric, Steve, and Graham. Tony entertained the advanced group with some puzzling puzzles, whilst Azhar, Eric, Steve and Graham tackled the various subjects in the tactical elements of the great game of Chess. There is so much to get your head around ie:- forks, double attacks, pins, skewers, discoveries, deflection, pawn promotion etc etc, it takes time to learn, understand, and more importantly adapt into ones game. Not every student grasps these tactics readily but we keep pushing and hope one day they will see the light and enjoy winning.

Belated birthday wishes go to Leo, we hope you had a great day.

Closed for Easter

We will not be meeting on the 30th March as it’s Easter weekend and a few of you will be away on holiday, so to that end, the 16th will see our Ladder competition close, followed by our usual end of term tournament on the 23rd March. Please let Eric know if you intend to attend that Saturday (23rd) so we can arrange a competition, probably of the Swiss style.

Ladder Latest

Wins today for Lathujan, Noah, Nathaniel, Carlo, Yash, Joey, Neil, Lewis and Aman.

Still everything to play for in the final Saturday to win a medal!

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