After a slow start when we wondered who was coming to today’s club, a total of 22 juniors came along to enjoy and play chess. For those who couldn’t attend do to illness, we hope they all feel better very soon.

We welcomed back Zander from his worldly travels and also Eduard who came for the 1st time. 

Ian Clark came along to present to the advanced group in our 1st session and reviewed his recent game in the B&DCL Division 1 match featuring a Closed Sicilian (of which a version can be seen in our ‘Openings’ page)….looking at strong moves and reasons for each reply and continued through to a mating position. 

Eric gave the 2nd session and looked at a puzzle posted on the Dorset website. We had a refresher of the Rosseau gambit that was presented last week which provided questions and answers to this dynamic opening. 

Details of who and what Steve, Paul, Azhar and Graham taught can be viewed on their pages in the menu, along with other topics that will be covered in future sessions.

We encourage all our players to use and look at our website for all things shown by our coaches and tips which will help with improving and playing chess. 

As always, we thank all our helpers Ian, Graham, Steve, Paul, Azhar and Dee for supporting junior chess. 

Mating patterns everyone should know

We show this to all our beginners as it’s an important endgame checkmating pattern, this video explains the way we use to teach it, to achieve checkmate.

New Ladder competition starts today!

Wins today for Shriya, Harish, Sameer, Leo, Joshua, Lewis, Neil and Jesse. Also a tight game ending in a draw between Joey and Woody.

A reminder – 3 points for a win, 2 for a draw, 1 point for a loss. (an indication and appreciation that you attended the morning session) Anyone on equal points are listed in alphabetical order.

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