With just two weeks till the end of the season/lessons, we had 26 juniors coming along to play and enjoy chess. 

Graham Hillman led the 1st advanced session reviewing advantages for the white pieces by retaining momentum. 

He went through various opening lines including the French defence, Caro-Kann, Alekhine defence and the Pirc. 

A very interesting game between Tal and Larson played in the 60’s was analysed showing attacking prowess over 34 moves. Mikhail Tal’s game here was an excellent example of giving up material to blow the game open, keep the pressure on, not allowing for any exchanges of the queen and finally winning, superb! 

Eric led the 2nd advances session showing puzzles on various mates by blocking squares, all 6 puzzles were solved by the group – well done. 

We showed a puzzle from the Dorset website on the demonstration board with a mate in 2 – the group found this one hard but got there with assistance. 

Some of the cast members in the first group.

Ladder Positions

Winners in this penultimate week of the Handicap Ladder competition were:-

Larissa, Dima, Nathaniel, Nicholas, Harish, Lewis, Daisy, Nico, Kane and Rafan.

Harish and Nico now top the table in each session and look unstoppable. Only the top 16 in each group are shown below.

F1 British Grand Prix this weekend

Absolutely no favourites here!

Sadly only finishing 9th and 10th…….

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