With the Easter holidays now over we had a return of some of our regulars, so welcome back Woody, Jiya, Swara, Shriya, Leland, Noah, Lathujan, Pavina and Lewis, plus new players Robin & Roni, which resulted into a major 2nd session with an overall total of 32 attendees. 

We also had the addition of Finn and Leo, helping to tutor some of our new & less experienced players, as always without the support of Graham M / Graham H, Steve, Paul and myself, none of this would be possible. 

Graham H and myself reviewed game 7 of the world chess championship (37 moves) in the advanced sections and Graham gave a little history of Siegbert Tarrasch and his variation of the French defence which was played in this game. 

Some of our intermediate players, Leland, Nico, Alfie, Stephen, Rafan and Bertie are all progressing well and we hope they will continue to do so. 

Eric Sachs

Games Played today and latest Ladder positions

wins for :-

Harry Lee / Yash / Leo / Marcus / Tristan / Noah / Alfie / Jiya / Joey / Jesse / Rafan / Marcel / Leland

A reminder of how to read the card:-

Within each hourly session, it’s all play all, advance, intermediates and beginners all in the mix and as you can see there are already some surprises, which is great for the competition. Everyone starts with 500 points, minimum time on the clock is 10 minutes each, it’s early days yet, but this handicap formula certainly shakes things up. Watch this space!

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