It was great to see 25 enthusiastic juniors come along to learn and play the great game of chess.
There is a growing number of libraries and other junior clubs providing chess in and around the area so we are happy our lessons are well supported which makes it all worthwhile. Our mission is to develop chess for all ages and standards at least up to adult club level.
We welcomed Zara, Zayaam, and Victor back after the Xmas and New Year Holidays.
Tony went through a series of checkmating and winning puzzles with the advanced group and well done to Nathanial who stood out again by solving all in record time.
Steve/Paul/Azhar and your author took the beginners and intermediates through various aspects of openings/tactics and games in the 1st session.
Pavina is progressing very well now, Kit our 5 year old beginner seems to be doing well in his 2nd lesson and Amalee too, showing promise.
The 2nd session also went well and Martin took the advanced group through a series of tactics whom all engaged during the lesson.
We started the 1st round of the Winter Ladder Board competition in both groups and encouraged all to notate the moves during the 15 minute time control.
See below for results and tables.

Picture of Harry Mercer playing in the BDCL Division 5 match last Monday – well done Harry and we wish you well in your future chess endeavours.

As always, I need to thank all our coaches – Steve/Paul/Azhar/Tony and Martin for coming along and supporting the classes.
Eric Sachs
You can download the mobile chess app ‘Analyze This’ from the App Store for Apple or for Android on Google Play
Here are some really good external links –
Play chess online – or
Regards, Martin.